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  Sports and Recreation 

The evolution of sport is such that India no more is a country just enlightened to cricket. We now live in a time in which young girls look up to Saina Nehwal and young boys kick around a football dreaming of a day India would be in the running for the FIFA world cup.

We at Hira group support the future in the making, mentally and financially. Through our efforts in the field of sports we aim to inculcate qualities like discipline, coordination, team spirit and dedication. Our sports activities are directed towards making the youth physically fit which in turn would increase their productivity in the society.

 Keeping this tempo in a manner with our society’s requirement, some initiatives undertaken by the group in this field are

  • Joined hands with BCCI to promote budding cricketing talents in the region.
  • Sponsored various Cricket tournaments to promote budding talents Sponsored.
  • Ms. Sangeeta Rajgopalan for participation in World Badminton
  • Championship 2009 through C.G. Van Khel Kalyan Samiti.
  • Sponsored various sporting activities in rural.
  • Shri Suresh Agrawal Memorial Cup, Corporate Cricket Tournament is organized at State Level.
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